Wyr'palja's mausoleum

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Tomb of Wyr'palja. Murals outside. Very steep, narrow stairs to entrance.

Top Level

  • Aviary: Glass bird scultptures, animate like obsidian butterflies (but peircing) when anyone enters the space between the steps. Statue and pool filled with coins; might also be a Grimtooth-style "spear dips down into the pool to electrocute anyone messing with the coins" trap to discourage mortals (tomb built by dragon-blooded, after all).
  • False Tomb: Find three fire pots, one five colors of jade, one moonsilver and starmetal, one orichalcum. They have faint scents. Rack of potions without labels on the outer aviary well, can match by smell or with serious botantical/alchemy skill. Disks for each circle of magic. When pots filled with correct stuff, and put in correct location, then lit, smoke swirls around white circle. For one hour, those who step on circle are teleported to second level. If mixed wrong, lethal gas. Sarcophagus itself trapped (essence explosion). Meaningful murals on all, including one map of pre-Contaigion Creation (possible hint to Parlainth-type lost cities). Hints on founding of city.

Second Level


Automaton, possibly something like the Feathered Serpent (which would be right in character with Wyr'palja), but more lethal. Maybe two or more. Animates when door opens. Murals with hints.

Hall of Mist

when all in room, door shuts, room fills with mist. Those inside teleported to random locations in room. Pitch dark and filled with mist. Like simulacrums of smoke. Each round, essence darts fly around, dealing damage. Pits as well. Possibly a Cloak of Deadly Automata (guardian) defends the place, scary in the smoke. Basically, best defense is not to enter.

Alchemy Workshop

The Dragon Blooded who built Wyr'palja's tomb constructed two workshops for themselves within, to hide some of her treasure from other terrestrials. One of these was an alchemy workshop which, while a pale shadow of Wyr'palja's real alchemy cathedral, remains an impressive facility.

While small, this well-stocked workshop acts as an advanced workshop (Savant & Sorcerer, pg. 32) for alchemy, complete with First Age tools. In addition to a large assortment of jars, beakers, magical braziers, pots, steam works and inscrutable apparatus, the following can be found within this room:


This leather bound book, written by hand in High Realm by Wyr'palja in black ink, introduces readers to mortal alchemy, providing step by step instructions to master salt circle alchemy. While most of the book is extremely clear, roughly every tenth page is written in some kind of code, and strange symbols litter the margins throughout the book. Products of this circle are the weakest of potions, but also the easiest to make. This circle focuses on the "three essentials" of alchemy -- salt (the contractive force), sulfur (the expansive force) and quicksilver (the integrative force) -- so is sometimes called "sulfur circle" or "quicksilver circle" alchemy.

Those who follow this book's instructions and make all of its formulae can learn the thaumaturgical science of Alchemy without a trainer. This book includes the following formulae:

  • Blood-Staunching Compress: Bandages that stop bleeding
  • Hallucinogenic woad: Pain killing hallucinogen
  • Court poison
  • Venom-Allaying Draught (several versions): Allows mortals an automatic roll to resist poisons.
  • Wound-Cleansing Unguent: Prevents infection during surgery
  • Draught of Blessed Respite: Sleeping potion
  • Maiden tea: Contraceptive and abortifacient.
  • Philtre of Desire: Improve social interaction with a specific target.


Similar to Salt, this sharkskin bound book was also written by hand in High Realm by Wyr'palja in silver ink. This volume details the aether circle, a more advanced form of mortal alchemy. Its formulae are more complex, but also more effective. This circle focuses on the "elements" of alchemy: air, earth, fire, water and wood. More coded pages are scattered throughout this volume as well.

Those who follow this book's instructions and make all of its formulae can learn the thaumaturgical science of Alchemy ●● without a trainer. This book includes the following formulae:

  • Eagle's Eye Potion: Improve eyesight.
  • Final Vengeance: Allows mortals to ignore all wound penalties and succeed at Valor tests.
  • Ghost flower: Allows communication with ghosts.
  • Ice fern: Dream enhancer, mild divination enhancer.
  • Munificent Antivenin: Counteracts poision.
  • Seven bounties paste: cures disease.
  • Valiant Warrior Formula: Allows an extra to be treated as a normal character.


The last of Wyr'palja's tomes on mortal alchemy, the gilded pages of this book are bound between gold covers. The gold circle described by herein represents the perfection of mortal alchemy, symbolized by the most perfect of mundane metals. Coded pages appear about twice as often in Gold.

Those who follow this book's instructions and make all of its formulae can learn the thaumaturgical science of Alchemy ●●● without a trainer. This book contain a number of so-called "Heavenly Transmutation Processes" for transmuting mundane materials into more noble, yet still mundane, materials:

  • Glass into a transparent material that resists hammer blows.
  • Lead into gold
  • Raw iron into flawless steel
  • Wood into ivory


The universal solvent, described in the book Alkahest.


The philosophers stone, described in the book Berith.

Celestial Phoenix Cauldrons

These two cauldrons are wide-mouthed orichalcum vessels held up by the undulating coils of a dragon with crimson gems for eyes. The the 2,000+ pound body of each is about a yard across at its widest point, with a two foot wide mouth standing about five feet tall.

These cauldrons can produce alchemical products of up to berith circle alchemy, provided the correct ingredients are added and motes committed. Nearly any alchemical recipe known to the First Age can be produced, but the cauldrons themselves provide no knowledge of these recipes whatsoever, so the user must have a formula to make something.


A pair of these are held in the vault of the Forgotten Manse.

Game Information

Summary: Large vats that mix potions
Rating: ●●●●
Commitment: 0
Activation: 5
Repair: ●●●
Materials: orichalcum

Resplendent Satchel of Healing

A rectangular green case 12"x12"x3", containing healing items. It is described in Wonders of the Lost Age, pg. 69. Contains:

  • Rod of Cleansing the Body
  • Wound Mending Needles
  • Jade implements giving +4 Medicine
  • Instrument of Regrowth


The bag found in Wyr'palja's mausoleum is inlaid with orichalcum and marked with an orichalcum badge in the shape of a Twilight caste mark. It is now carried by Stag.

Game Information

Summary: Bag that aids healing
Rating: ●●●●
Commitment: 0
Activation: 5
Repair: ●●
Materials: jade, orichalcum, moonsilver, soulsteel, starmetal

Potions & Reagents

Scattered in various cabinets, drawers and shelves are a number bottles and other containers filled with dusts, liquids and various raw materials. These are all labeled in Old Realm, but not otherwise explained. All told, you find:

  • "Ash Devourer - Ashia" - 1 box containing 12 star topaz, shaped like very large teeth
  • "Ash Devourer - Baramini" - 1 box containing 12 star topaz, shaped like very large teeth
  • "Ash Devourer - Chiruku" - 1 box containing 12 star topaz, shaped like very large teeth
  • "Black Jade Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Black Jade Ink" - 6 vials
  • "Black Jade Oil" - 8 vials
  • "Black Jade Water" - 10 vials
  • "Blue Jade Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Blue Jade Ink" - 6 vials
  • "Blue Jade Oil" - 9 vials
  • "Blue Jade Water" - 13 vials
  • "Briardust" - 5 vials - coarse greenish-grey powder
  • "Cage Sweat" - 3 vials - clear liquid
  • "Clarity Spirit" - 2 vials - thin, pale turquoise, slightly carbonated liquid
  • "Dragon Walker" - 1 vial - like champagne, with a slight greenish tinge
  • "Eight-Scream Devil Powder" - 2 parchment bags, sealed with beeswax - dusty red powder
  • "Elemental Memories" - 1 box containing 7 small, but flawless, emeralds
  • "Empty Canvas" - 3 small jars - viscous brownish paste
  • "Firedust" - 5 vials - coarse reddish-black powder
  • "Forest Mimic Horn" - 1 jar - coarse white powder
  • "Green Jade Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Green Jade Ink" - 6 vials
  • "Green Jade Oil" - 6 vials
  • "Green Jade Water" - 14 vials
  • "Green Jade Whiskey" - 1 vial - whiskey with a slight green tint
  • "Hound's Tongue" - 2 vials - thick purple liquid with swirls of black
  • "Moonsilver Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Moonsilver Ink" - 4 vials
  • "Moonsilver Oil" - 4 vials
  • "Moonsilver Water" - 22 vials
  • "Nitric Acid" - 50 gallons
  • "Omen Juice" - 6 vials - bright pink liquid
  • "Orichalcum Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Orichalcum Ink" - 5 vials
  • "Orichalcum Oil" - 7 vials
  • "Orichalcum Water" - 20 vials
  • "Quicksilver" - 3 gallons
  • "Red Jade Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Red Jade Ink" - 6 vials
  • "Red Jade Oil" - 7 vials
  • "Red Jade Water" - 16 vials
  • "Skin-Like-the-Mountains Oil" - 3 vials - metallic blue-black oil
  • "Skydust" - 5 vials - coarse bluish-grey powder
  • "Starmetal Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "Starmetal Ink" - 10 vials
  • "Starmetal Oil" - 3 vials
  • "Starmetal Water" - 24 vials
  • "Stonedust" - 5 vials - coarse grey powder
  • "Tree-singer Urine" - 1 gallon jar, one-quarter full - golden/yellow liquid
  • "Vinegar" - 50 gallons
  • "Waterdust" - 5 vials - coarse black powder
  • "White Jade Dust" - 1 tiny bag
  • "White Jade Ink" - 9 vials
  • "White Jade Oil" - 9 vials
  • "White Jade Water" - 15 vials

Artificing Workshop

Books, tools, artifacts.

  • Acid Rainforest: Forest of crystal trees. When far door touched, unless trigger hit, starts rain of acid.

Reality Engine

like Wonderous Globe of Precious Stability, but bigger and draws power from the wyld itself, not a hearthstone. Section of floor hides stairway to lower level.

Lower Level

Lower level has very low ceiling. Must crouch. Each section has an anteroom with possessions valuable to exalt. Filled with automaton assassins.

  • Lunar: bird-based lunar. Other loot.
  • Solar: spell book w/ celestial and solar spells. Other loot. On the solar side, one chamber holds the real body and the goodies, the others all hold Minions of Deadly Touch, all created by Wyr'palja and made to look exactly like her. All will pretend they were in suspended animation and that they are the real Wyr'palja. These minions also contain pocket of Elsewhere containing Wyr'palja's most prized possessions, which she entrusted to no one.
