Dissolution: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dissolution News - 17th of Growth, 721]]
* [[Dissolution News - 17th of Growth, 721]]
* [[Dissolution News - 21st of Growth, 721]]
* [[Dissolution News - 21st of Growth, 721]]
* [[Dissolution News - 29th of Growth, 721]]


Revision as of 17:45, 29 April 2010

The one-shot Dissolution event tests out the Ptolus setting, running during the summer of 2007, while the Forgotten Suns campaign was on hold for scheduling reasons.

System: Pathfinder
Started: Summer 2007
Storyteller: Wordman


Name Player Summary
Oreni Erthuo Liz Male shoal elf fighter/sorcerer
Naerai Liz Male harrow elf druid/wizard
Scoffney Shever Scott Male grailwarden dwarf bard/rogue
Caralaria Scott Female human barbarian/monk
Sikarsis NPC Male lizard folk cleric
Lostwhite NPC Female half-orc fighter


