Property: Summary
From DivNull RPG
While you lead, mortal followers with Willpower equal to your Essence or lower will never turn against you. Mortals with Willpower equal to or less than yours will always think well of you. +
For a scene double the dice award or motes rewarded for stunts. +
Magical two-handed sword +
Magical two-handed hammer +
Magical two-handed axe +
Magical one-handed axe +
As Throng-Curing Method, but multiply the number of assistants by Essence. +
Everyone with 50 x Essence yards takes 1A damage per 4 motes spent. +
Make a ranged attack undodgeable and double damage successes +
Sword improved by socketed hearthstones. +
Defensive arm guards +
Device that points to a hearthstone's manse +
A horn that can make paths +
Perfectly block any ranged attack, catching it to throw later. +
Choose to either add Dexterity to initiative, negate effects that automatically win initiative, add Strength to jumping distance or add Strength yards to base movement. +
Write or speak a message that only those you select can understand. +
Add your Resistance to Glorious Solar Plate's bashing and lethal soak, half Resistance to the its hardness and prevents piercing weapons from halving soak. +
An orichalcum reaper daiklaive that hates demons +
Make an object as strong as the five magical materials for a day. +