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[[Image:{{{image}}}|frame|right|400 px|Art by [{{{url}}} {{{artist}}}] ]]

Name: {{{name}}}
Player: {{{player}}}
Race: {{{race}}}
Gender: {{{gender}}}
Class: {{{class}}}
Level: {{{level}}}
Experience Points: {{{xp}}}
Hit Points: {{{hp}}}
Spell Points: {{{sp}}}
Luck: {{{Luck adj}}}
Strength: {{{str}}}  dmg adj: {{{dmgadj}}}, wgt all: {{{wgtall}}}, max press: {{{maxpress}}}
Dexterity: {{{dex}}}  react adj: {{{reactadj}}}, hit prob: {{{hitprob}}}, def adj: {{{defadj}}}
Constitution: {{{con}}}  hp adj: {{{hpadj}}}
Intelligence: {{{int}}}  sp/lvl: {{{intsp}}}
Wisdom: {{{wis}}}  mag def bonus: {{{magdefbonus}}}, sp/lvl: {{{wissp}}}
Charisma: {{{cha}}}  react adj: {{{chaadj}}}