Oreni Erthuo
Oreni wants make it to the top. He aspires to move up in society so that he can someday change society. In other words he might abide by a law that he doesn't agree with so that someday he can be in a position to rewrite that law. He has the poise and elegance of his noble family. He can easily attend a gathering of high class important townsfolk, but he is just as likely to buy lunch for a homeless child when people are not looking. Essentially he is a nice person who realizes that he may have play some hardball in order to someday help better his society.
Fairly tall for a Shoal elf, Oreni has white hair and dark eyes.
Oreni is a member of House Erthuo but he disagrees with the family's stance of staying out of things. This is due to an encounter with a human child in the market place while his family was doing business there. This child was very clearly abused and beaten on a regular basis. Although he told his parents they told him that it was not there concern. Since then Oreni has believed that turning your eyes away from evil doings doesn't make them go away. He knows that the child he met wound up beaten to death several months later. It made a small headline in the papers.
As a guildsman in the Delver's Guild, Oreni has access to guild information, library, maproom and waystations. He also gains a 10% discount at Ebbert's Outfitters.
Although not officially a member, Oreni has a number of contacts in the Sage's Guild and occasionally visits their headquarters as a guest.
A small owl named ??? acts as Oreni's familiar.
Some of the people Oreni knows knows are:
Future Advancement
Some possibilities for future advancement. This is not an exhaustive list.
The obvious choices for Oreni's next level are to continue in either warrior or sorcerer. These would provide:
- Fighter 3: +1 BAB, +1 Reflex save, +1 Will save, +1d10 hp, +4 skill points.
- Sorcerer 4: +1 BAB, +1 Will save, +1d4 hp, +4 skill points, learn additional cantrip and one 2nd level arcane spell, cast one additional 1st level and three 2nd level spells per day. May choose to "unlearn" one cantrip and learn another.
A potential prestige class the Oreni might be interested in is the Eldritch Knight. Taking levels in this class requires the ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells, so he cannot take this class yet. Levels in this class are sort of a mix of fighter and sorcerer benefits, adding some extra hit points (d6's) and faster BAB and save progression, along with spellcasting increases. This would allow him to simultaneously become a better fighter and sorcerer faster, but sacrifices the (substantial) advantage of bonus fighter feats and provides fewer hit points on average than alternating levels of fighter and sorcerer would.
All characters gain a feat every three levels. Since her next level will make her total character level (CL) 6, she gets a new feat of her choice. Her next such feat will come at CL 9. Note that some feats are on a special list of bonus fighter feats. These are feats that fighters can get for free, one each two levels. While you can pick a feat from this list, this is a (relatively rare) opportunity to select a feat not on that list. Some of the feats you have the prerequisites for are (there are, of course, others):
- Oreni has the Mobility feat, which allows him to gain +4 AC against attacks of opportunity caused by his own movement. In retrospect, and on seeing how Oreni is played, Oreni probably should have taken a different feat instead of this one. Les will allow Oreni to swap another feat for Mobility if desired.
- Oreni took the Combat Expertise feat as one of his bonus fighter feats. In retrospect, and on seeing how Oreni is played, Oreni probably should have taken a different feat instead. Les will allow Oreni to swap another bonus fighter feat for Combat Expertise if desired.
- That one feat: count your levels in fighter when figuring out spell effects based on level
- The other feat: give up med and heavy armor in favor of not taking arcane failure.
- A feat for range touching?
- Craft Wondrous Item: Certain "miscellaneous" magic items (e.g. amulets, cloaks, belts, etc.) are called "wondrous items". Each of these has prerequisites for creating it (usually a spell you must know and a caster level requirement). Because, as a sorcerer, your spell selection is limited, this feat won't be as useful to you as it would be to a wizard (though you can use scrolls for the requisite spells).
In spending the skill points gained on her next level...
Oreni will now have a bit of money. Being both a fighter and a sorcerer, both gear and magic will drain your funds. Some possibilities:
- Defensive items like rings of protection (+1 2,000gp, +2 8,000gp, +3 18,000gp), bracers of armor (+1 1,000gp, +2 4,000gp, +3 9,000gp) or amulets of natural armor (same as ring). You already have on ring of protection +1.
- Better mithral armor.
- Scrolls
By the way, a touch spell that deals damage can score a critical hit just as a weapon can. Remind Les of that if he forgets.