Pale Shoulder
Name: Pale Shoulder
Type: White jade reinforced breastplate artifact ••••
Soak: 10B/11L
Mobility: -1
Fatigue: 1
Commitment: 7
The intricate geometric patterns carved into the white jade of this breastplate catch and confuse the eye. Small, clear crystals harvested from near the elemental pole of earth are incorporated into the design at various spots, casting prismatic rainbows when the wearer is attacked. The combination of pattern, prism and magic clouds an attackers senses, reducing the attacker's pool by the wearer's Essence (to a minimum of 1).
In addition, the crystals can harvest the power of the earth, returning it to the wearer. When attacked by mundane metal weapons (including metal arrowheads), the wearer regains a mote of essence. If attacked by magical metal weapons, two motes are regained. The wearer cannot regain more motes in this way each turn than his Stamina.
The standard jade material bonus is available with this armor, not included above.
Mundane Resources Cost: ••••
Power: ••••
Usefulness: •••
Game Impact: ••
Script Immunity: ••
Drawback, Essence: •••
Drawback, Component: ••
Drawback, Notoriety: •