Talk:Enroth Rules: Characters
A point for discussion: Hatred of THAC0
Response to Hatred of THAC0
To understand this better, let me try some examples:
So, for A, say we make Studded Leather be a +3 AC bonus. A Kite Shield is a +1 AC bonus. Therefore, a Goblin with Studded Leather and Kite Shield and a Dex of 15, has an AC of 15. (10 + 3 + 1 + 1)
A Knight with Sword Lvl 3, a Steel Broadsword (+1 to hit), and a Dex of 17 (+2 to hit) has a T of +3 (+1 for sword and +2 for Dex) and an L of +2 (Level Adjustment) so you roll, add +5 (T + L) and it needs to be 15 or higher?
This would eliminate THAC0. Armor would be bonuses rather than negatives.
We could then change Luck to mean base 10. Add character level and adjustments to roll and add spell/effect power to base.
Base = 10 Level = L Adjustments = A Power = P
R + L + A ≥ 10 + P
I'll have to think about Non-Weapon skills more to make a Universal Mechanic for.
I guess I never thought about THAC0 being a bad thing b/c I was never bothered by the math. By working (mostly) with positives it limits the amount of numbers bouncing around in your head.
Take a look at the SRD
You might want to look at the d20 SRD, which uses this basic mechanic. In particular, how it handles saving throws and (to a lesser extent) ability scores and skills. Honestly, if you took the d20 system, ripped out most of it, keeping the bare skeleton, then added in your ideas on classes and magic, I'm guessing the result would be even tighter than Enroth is already. (I'd also keep the weapon speed thing.)
Wordman 04:17, 28 December 2008 (UTC)