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Sanigar's family maintained a small pasture land in the foothills of the Byeshk Mountains, near Silver Lake in the Eldeen Reaches. As the youngest of four, Sanigar was forced to take over the more domestic duties of the family upon the death of his mother Luria when he was still a boy. As he grew, he occasionally helped the family herd goats and sheep, but showed no real aptitude for it and was generally bored stiff. When all three of his sisters were married within a two year span, Sanigar took the opportunity to run away from home, at about 16 years old.
Eventually making his way to Galethspyre, he found work by night as a cook in a local inn. By day, he used his speed to act as a messenger within the town. Although the tips from rich merchants allowed him to live comfortably, he was still generally bored stiff. In order to meet a particular girl, he started visiting the temple to Olladra. While the dalliance with the girl didn't last, he continued visiting the temple, mostly attracted to the goddess's connection to luck and lust.
One night, a human monk visiting the inn asked to meet Sanigar after sampling his stew. He asked Sanigar a number of pointed questions about the herbs used, the technique used to cut the meat, and various other details. Sanigar invited him into the kitchen for a demonstration, after which, the monk lectured Sanigar on the importance of breathing correctly when cutting his meat. Sanigar found the monk odd, but generally enjoyable, company. In the weeks after the monk left, Sanigar tried the breathing advice largely out of boredom. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but after a week or two, he noticed that, once in a while, he seemed to have a clearer head and moved more naturally somehow, connected with the world around him.
The monk, named Jathral, dropped by once a month or so, each time learning more about Sanigar's preparation and, in turn, teaching Sanigar more strange lessons that, on the surface, had to do with food, but later seemed to be more about improving himself. As these lessons continued, he began to pay more attention to Olladra's connection to food while visiting the temple, finding much in the connection between feast and healing that spoke to him.
Around the time Sanigar turned 19, Jathral suddenly stopped appearing at the inn. After four months, a message arrived at the inn, inviting Sanigar to join [[Order Esculentus]], Jathral's monastic order, in Sharn. Though a bit dubious at the idea of becoming a monk, Sanigar had to admit that there was something to Jathral's instructions. Plus, Sanigar had been saving up to visit Sharn anyway. Telling the inn that he would return in two weeks, Sanigar took a boat down the dagger river to Sharn.
Sanigar unexpectedly felt right at home within Order Esculentus, realizing that he'd subconsciously believed much of its philosophy for quite some time. He running as a messenger had kept him in excellent physical shape and, combined with his cooking skill, he quickly finished his initiation and became a full monk with the order.


Revision as of 17:07, 10 November 2006

Name: Sanigar
Sex: Male
Race: Shifter
Age: 20
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Brown
Languages: Common
Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Level: 1
XP: 0
Max HP: 8
AC: 18

Strength:14 +2
Dexterity:19 +4
Constitution: 14 +2
Intelligence:11 +0
Wisdom:18 +4
Charisma:9 -1

Special Abilities
Low-Light Vision
Shifting (1/day)
  Longstride (+2 Dex, +10' move)
+2 on Balance, Climb and Jump


Profession (cook)(Wis/3)
Move Silently(Dex/2)
Escape Artist(Dex/1)
Knowledge (food)(Int/1)
Sense Motive(Wis/1)

Monks outfit
  6 cp
  6 sp
2 knives
Belt pouch
  20 sling bullets
  Iron pot
  Flint & tinder

Sanigar is a d20 character in an Eberron campaign played in Long Island, New York.




Sanigar's family maintained a small pasture land in the foothills of the Byeshk Mountains, near Silver Lake in the Eldeen Reaches. As the youngest of four, Sanigar was forced to take over the more domestic duties of the family upon the death of his mother Luria when he was still a boy. As he grew, he occasionally helped the family herd goats and sheep, but showed no real aptitude for it and was generally bored stiff. When all three of his sisters were married within a two year span, Sanigar took the opportunity to run away from home, at about 16 years old.

Eventually making his way to Galethspyre, he found work by night as a cook in a local inn. By day, he used his speed to act as a messenger within the town. Although the tips from rich merchants allowed him to live comfortably, he was still generally bored stiff. In order to meet a particular girl, he started visiting the temple to Olladra. While the dalliance with the girl didn't last, he continued visiting the temple, mostly attracted to the goddess's connection to luck and lust.

One night, a human monk visiting the inn asked to meet Sanigar after sampling his stew. He asked Sanigar a number of pointed questions about the herbs used, the technique used to cut the meat, and various other details. Sanigar invited him into the kitchen for a demonstration, after which, the monk lectured Sanigar on the importance of breathing correctly when cutting his meat. Sanigar found the monk odd, but generally enjoyable, company. In the weeks after the monk left, Sanigar tried the breathing advice largely out of boredom. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but after a week or two, he noticed that, once in a while, he seemed to have a clearer head and moved more naturally somehow, connected with the world around him.

The monk, named Jathral, dropped by once a month or so, each time learning more about Sanigar's preparation and, in turn, teaching Sanigar more strange lessons that, on the surface, had to do with food, but later seemed to be more about improving himself. As these lessons continued, he began to pay more attention to Olladra's connection to food while visiting the temple, finding much in the connection between feast and healing that spoke to him.

Around the time Sanigar turned 19, Jathral suddenly stopped appearing at the inn. After four months, a message arrived at the inn, inviting Sanigar to join Order Esculentus, Jathral's monastic order, in Sharn. Though a bit dubious at the idea of becoming a monk, Sanigar had to admit that there was something to Jathral's instructions. Plus, Sanigar had been saving up to visit Sharn anyway. Telling the inn that he would return in two weeks, Sanigar took a boat down the dagger river to Sharn.

Sanigar unexpectedly felt right at home within Order Esculentus, realizing that he'd subconsciously believed much of its philosophy for quite some time. He running as a messenger had kept him in excellent physical shape and, combined with his cooking skill, he quickly finished his initiation and became a full monk with the order.

