Thundarr Roleplaying
From DivNull RPG
I've been thinking about building a game to scratch my Thundarr the Barbarian itch, but thought I'd look around the net to see what was available already. None of it is particularly coherent, but there have been a number of efforts, to varying degrees of success.
- Sorcery & Superscience doesn’t ever mention Thundarr, but is clearly built to invoke it.
- The World of Thundarr the Barbarian - A Google doc containing a conversion of elements from the show to the Mutant Future system, from the Savage Afterworld blog. The "master edition" of the sourcebook includes three adventures (also released separately).
- Wasteland 2010 a supplement for Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3 is modeled to be Thundarr from start to finish.
- Under the Broken Moon converts the setting to the Over the Edge system.
- Crawling Under a Broken Moon was an 18-issue zine dedicated to playing in a Thundarr setting using Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Demon Dogs! was a Thundarr-based D&D 4e campaign.
- The Red Kobold blog posted a conversion to D&D 5e.
- Active kickstarter: Barbarians of the Ruined Earth, based on the Black Hack.
- Thundarr Stats, a blog that goes through the episodes and generates FATE and Savage World stats for the characters.
- Numenera isn't really intended to be Thundarr, but that's how I want to run it.
- The Titansgrave setting was said to be inspired by the Heavy Metal movie and Thundarr.
- Any number of post-apocalypse games might work for Thundarr:
- Apocalypse World (might not be weird enough)
- Broken World (if it ever actually gets made)
- Mutant: Year Zero (might have the wrong focus)
- some edition of of Gamma World or other old school systems (not what I'm after mechanically).
- Star Rats is a post-apocalypse hack of Maze Rats.
- A Thundarr drinking game.
- Lords of Light: The Thundarr the Barbarian Story: a documentary
- A search for Thundarr on deviantArt
- Thundarr tropes