Archipelago Conundrum
From DivNull RPG
On a ship, probably. Many of the characters will have been manipulated in various ways by the main NPC to board the ship for a meeting on a western island. The scenario deals only with the journey, however.
Characters are tough, as they need to work without knowing how many people might be playing.
Player Characters
- Iron Tooth - dawn solar - martial artist - tiger
- Daughter of Stone and Glass - zenith solar - war/presence
- Copper Horizon - twilight solar - brawler/blacksmith type
- Tranquil Fist - night solar - con artist
- Grieving Storm - eclipse solar - archer
- Eyless Amethyst - dawn solar - war/melee
- Sapphire Ashes - night solar -
- Masked Face of the Ox - eclipse solar -
Non-Player Characters
- The Wanderlust - the ship
- Captain Heavens Smashing - air aspect outcaste terrestrial
- First mate - fair folk
- Encoralani - air elemental
- 15-30 min.
- Introductions. Ask about previous games played.
- Great setting, average mechanics.
- History
- Primordials
- Creation
- Gods
- Exalted
- War
- First Age
- Usurpation
- Empire
- Now (disappearance, wyld hunt fading, etc.)
- Describe demo
- Not the best role-playing experience
- On a ship
- Two combats, one simple, one more Exalted-like
- Pass out sheets
- History more for flavor
- Attributes and Abilities
- Basic Attribute + Ability mechanic
- Static Value mechanic
- Other parts can wait
- Stunts
- Bend rules
- Control of set
- Numeric gains (dice, motes, willpower)
- Rest of sheet
- Willpower and motes
- Charms
- Peripheral vs. Personal
- Ship (describe)
- Jade rings
- Captain
- Elemental creating wind
First Combat
- Artificial constraint: Personal essence only.
- Elemental killed, screams alert everyone.
- Join Battle
- Vapor sharks materialize.
- Try to attack jade rings.
- One per character, plus two.
Second Combat
- Night. Ship lifted in air.
- Join Battle
- A few rounds to allow people to power up. All essence available.
- Vapolisti materializes saying "Now, to feed."
- Opens with mental attack.
- To move, everyone must flurry a Dex + Athletics action, unless they have suitable charms or Athletics ●●● or greater.
- Physical actions at -2 success, from the darkness, mist and flowing water