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Aggah-Shan CR 15 male human lich necromancer14 CE Medium Undead Init +2; darkvision (60ft), life sight (20ft, 14 rd/day), see invisibility (permanent) Aura fear (60-ft. radius, DC 20) DEFENSE AC 30, touch 17, flat-footed 26 (+8 armor, +4 dex, +3 deflection, +5 natural)hp 117 (14d6+42 HD); DR 15/bludgeoning and magic Immune cold, electricity, undead traits Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +15 channel resistance +4 OFFENSE Spd 30ftMelee touch +8 (1d8+7 plus paralyzing touch) Special Actions grave touch (9/day), paralyzing touch (DC 20), power over undead (9/day, DC 20) Spells Known (CL Wizard 14): (0:4+1, 1:7+1, 2:6+1, 3:5+1, 4:5+1, 5:5+1, 6:4+1, 7:2+1) Cantrips—detect magic, mage hand, message, read magic, touch of fatigue 1st — charm person, magic missile (2), shield, shocking grasp (3), ray of enfeeblement 2nd—blindness/deafness, scorching ray, darkness, eagle's splendor, levitate, resist energy, ghoul touch 3rd—fireball,fly,haste,lightning bolt,slow,vampiric touch 4th—dimensional anchor, empowered scorching ray, enervation, stoneskin, wall of fire, bestow curse 5th—baleful polymorph, empowered lightning bolt, teleport, wall of stone, animate necrosis 6th—chain lightning, disintegrate, freezing sphere, greater dispel magic, eyebite 7th—delayed blast fireball, mass hold person, finger of death Prohibited Schools conjuration, illusion STATISTICS Str 12 (+1), Dex 15+4 (+4), Con --, Int 23 (+6), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 16 (+3) Base Atk +4, CMB +8, CMD 25 Feats Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency (Light), Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Point Blank Shot, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus Possessions headband of reflected arrows, amulet of the arcanist, ring of protection +3, mithril chain shirt +4, bonded staff (+2 luck bonus to saves, bonus 1st level spell), cloak of resistance +3, globe of accord, belt of incredible dexterity +4, scroll of cone of cold, scroll of fireball (2), scroll of antimagic field. ECOLOGY Environment any Organization Solitary Treasure emerald necklace 3,000gp, sapphire ring 1,000gp, pocketwatch, 172pp, 115gp. |
Real World History
Pulled from Ptolus, converted to Pathfinder, made a bit more threatening.