Content: id (Type: string) , name (Type: string) , category (Type: spellcategory) , type (Type: string) , spelltarget , duration (Type: string) , draincode , range (Type: string) ?, page (Type: srsref) , customization (Type: datatype) ? notes (Type: string) ?
Description: The spelldef
tag defines a standard spell
from a rulebook. This schema does not describe a specific useage of the spell,
merely the generic attributes of it.
defines the unique identifier of this
defines the displayed name of this spell.category
defines the category (or "school") of the spell (e.g. combat, detection, etc.)type
defines the spell type: either "M" for mana or "P" for physical.spelltarget
defines the target number of the spell.duration
defines the duration of the spell: either "I" for instant, "S" for
sustained or "P" for permanent.draincode
defines the drain code code for the spell.range
defines the range of the spell. If this tag is missing, the
range is assumed to be
defines the page reference for the spell, using the
Shadowrun Reference Standardcustomization
defines the type of customization this item requires upon
purchase, if any. For example, someone selecting a Detect (Life Form) spell must
choose the specific life form the spell detects. Note, this field does not
contain the choice made, only the type of data that will hold the choice (in the
Detect (Life Form) example, a string).notes
defines any comments about the spell that may be relevant.Code Fragment
<xs:elementtype name="spelldef">
<xs:element type="xs:string" name="id"/>
<xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/>
<xs:element type="spellcategory" name="category"/>
<xs:element name="type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[MP]"/>
<element type="spelltarget"/>
<xs:element name="duration">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[IPS]"/>
<xs:element type="draincode"/>
<xs:element type="xs:string" name="range" occurs="?"/>
<xs:element type="srsref" name="page"/>
<xs:element type="datatype" name="customization" occurs="?"/>
<xs:element type="xs:string" name="notes"/>