Exalted Script TranslatorEnter any text into the form below, click “Translate” and in the space to the right you will see that text “translated” into the script system from White Wolf's role playing game Exalted®. QuestionsWhat is this?Exalted® uses a number of unique writing systems, the rules of which were finally detailed in pages 262-271 of the Player’s Guide (ebook). The code on this page translates English into High Realm Script, following the rules on page 263. The code on this page also adds a few additional rules and variations:
How can I get better results?Usually, questionable results come around when dealing with words that have a lot of consonants in a row. The Exalted script system is pretty bad at translating English sound combinations like “sch”, “tch”, “wh”, “wr”, and so on. Usually, you can get around this by entering the text phonetically. For example, this script will translate “school” into “sa-cho-o-lo”, which isn’t great. If you enter “skool”, you get “sa-ko-o-lo”. Even better would be “skul”, which would be “sa-ku-lu”. As it states in the Exalted rules, there tends to be many ways to write the same words and words are bent in ways that are “not generally very dainty”. Why doesn’t this work for me?You need to enable JavaScript for this page to function. It has been tested on the following browsers, so probably works on most of them with decent JavaScript supprort:
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