ISIS Hierolyphic I.S.I.S.

Internet Shadowrun Index Service

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The Internet Shadowrun Index Service (ISIS) provides the world with a free, complete index of all published Shadowrun products, in a variety of formats. ISIS depends on the volunteer efforts of Shadowrun enthusiasts worldwide.


Different people have different needs for an index, so ISIS actually provides several:

Rules Index - This index covers all purely game rule material. For example, nearly all of the main SR rulebook would show up in this index, as would references to weapon statistics, spell listings and so on.

Personality Index - This index lists any references to specific fictional beings, listed by last name if possible. "Knight, Damien" might be one entry, while "Sirrug" might be another. This index also references the name of everyone who ever made a decker comment.

Source Index - This, the main index, contains everything else. References to places, details of corporations, rumors about organized crime - they are all contained here.

All of these are available on the download page.


Each index is available in the following formats from the download page. Books are referenced using the Shadowrun Reference Standard.

Text, Macintosh - A tab delineated list with one entry per line. The occasional complex character (e.g. an accented e) uses the Macintosh character set. Each line is terminated with a return character.

Text, Windows - A tab delineated list with one entry per line. The occasional complex character (e.g. an accented e) uses the Windows character set. Each line is terminated with a return, line-feed pair.

Unicode - A tab delineated list with one entry per line. All characters stored as Unicode. Each line is terminated with a return character. File is a standard Unicode text file.

PDF (Acrobat) - A multi-column version of the index, suitable for printing as a reference. Requires Adobeís free Acrobat Reader to view and print.

All of these formats are available on the download page.


ISIS is an ongoing effort. To see the overall plan for the project, and its current status, take a look at the progress page.

In Use

If you would like to use ISIS, please read the terms of use. The following use ISIS:


If you would like to join ISIS, take a look at the Joining ISIS page.